Our vision for the Intelligent Enterprise is to help healthcare providers become highly efficient at saving and improving lives, deliver a seamless patient experience, and ensure value based care with innovative technologies.
Breaking down department silos and moving to an integrated care approach is the only way to truly deliver a value-based care model. Your digital strategy is paramount to a successful transition.
The mHealth market is evolving at an increasing pace with many new entrants and incumbents developing a raft of new products and services. As a result, definitions of the market vary widely depending on the components that are included. While all industry forecasters are predicting significant growth, estimates of the extent of this growth vary extensively.
Technology has the power to improve access to healthcare services, particularly for those with mobility problems or who find travel difficult. Indeed, most people living in rural areas could benefit from faster access to remote consultations. On the other hand, patients may not be able to afford the technology and patients and providers may need financial support.