Organize orders, follow the stock, billing for GST, control warehouses. Run all of your inventory processes using Inventory Suite.
Inventory Suite is full of features that help you manage inventory, create and track documents and streamline production. Our Inventory Management Software is designed to streamline your processes and increase profits.From a single application, you can group, configure, manage, and track your stuff.
To rapidly view all of a product's information, simply scan it or enter its serial or batch number. By instantly displaying item details like pricing, Inventory Suite speeds up your billing and stocktaking. Each product's batch can be identified, and quality inspections can be kept track of.
A business should avoid experiencing sales fluctuations and missed sales targets. Keep track of customer balances and view your most valuable clients all in one application with Inventory Suite. Make sure your business decisions are always apparent by using Inventory Suite.
Save time by maintaining a central database of the GSTIN for the firms that have registered with it. Save GSTINs from clients and suppliers. The documents automatically include GSTIN. Documents including sales and purchase orders, bills, and invoices. Stop managing your inventory with Excel and start using Advanced Inventory Suite Software.
Create invoices that will enable you to receive payment on schedule and to meet GST regulations. Simple procedures to convert sales orders to invoices designed to satisfy the 16 requirements set forth by the CBEC. By using Inventory Suite to create e-invoices, you can bring your company into compliance with the GST e-invoicing requirements.
When you create a sales order, the CGST, IGST, or SGST rates are automatically calculated, saving you time and manual calculations. Choose your tax preference, enter your tax rate, and the applicable taxes will be calculated automatically.With our Inventory Suite CRM integration, you can manage campaigns and automatically add leads and prospects.
Delivery challans created in Inventory Suite follow all the GST format requirements, and the item details are auto-filled automatically during creation. Select the customer name, Decide the challan number and type , Select the item details. Change to a simple, secure, and convenient payment method for your customers.