Reduce cost and complexity for Wrksuite integrations. Quickly connect Wrksuite workflows to critical business systems and simplify cross enterprise automation.
RCut costs on integration development, support, and upgrades. Wrksuite builds and maintains IntegrationHub spokes, certified for use with each new Wrksuite Platform® release.
Streamline your response to common requests and incidents. Connect Virtual Agent to integration and automation solutions for password reset, client software distribution, and more.
IT developers can create custom spokes and extend Wrksuite spokes. Quickly build and test reusable spokes with integration steps for JavaScript, REST, SOAP, and more.
Integration Hub is built into Flow Designer so Wrksuite developers, IT generalists, and nocode builders can create digital workflows that integrate data and automation actions with any external system in one native Now Platform experience.
Natively built for the Now Platform by Wrksuite, packaged integrations help accelerate integration delivery so you can focus your time on more mission critical initiatives. With Integration Hub, you’ll get access to predefined application integrations to automate typical business processes.
Immediately make computerized work process applications and scale across the undertaking with a low code stage.