Manufacturing Suite

Manufacturing Suite

The low-code revolution has arrived, so say goodbye to paper-based systems and restrictive software. Custom manufacturing software solutions created on Manufacturing Suite Creator help you save time, minimise effort, and boost profitability.


Dashboards For Manufacturers

Get a deep insight into your multiple warehouses and stock levels. Track new arrivals, receive inventory, manage orders. Launch work orders and track current status for each manufacturing job. See all received orders, invoice status and track your leads. Know what happened. Manufacturing Suite logs each change on the document level.

Manufacturing Work Order

Track everything.Time, labor and material. Tackle bottlenecks. Get crucial info regarding the missing part expected arrivals right from the Work Order. Get info on the item level directly from the Work order. Track LOT or Batch series with the ERPAG tracking engine. Complete historical data overview with backtrack reporting.

Intelligent Status Tags

Manufacturing Suite signals when terms are fulfilled, so you can launch Work Order ASAP. Start, pause and complete Manufacturing order within a click of a button. Each document list is a multi-dimensional report, thanks to intelligent Machine learning driven algorithms. Group, filter and sort to optimize reports.

Digitally managing supply networks to enable optimization

Manufacturing companies can use integrated enterprise resource planning and advanced scheduling tools to manage global manufacturing sites and subcontractors under one responsibility. Thus, local demand forecasts and sales orders can be globally balanced and allocated to local manufacturing sites in an optimized, transparent manner.


Select innovations that can provide business value now

Once an agenda has been firmed up, manufacturers should gain a good understanding of the latest digital applications in the market across the manufacturing value chain. Our modern Manufacturing Suite management software that simplifies the production cycle, handles subcontracting, and more!


A solution for everyone

No matter where you fall on the supply chain—manufacturer, builder or supplier Manufacturing Suite will track every material, for every company in the supply chain.