The Purchase Orders work area landing page has purchasing transactions that require buyer's attention and infolets that include key alerts and important metrics.
You generally create a purchase order for a one time purchase of various items. You create a purchase order when you know the details of the goods or services that you require, estimated costs, quantities, delivery schedules, and accounting distributions.
You create a contract purchase agreement with your supplier to agree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing.
You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the details of the goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules.
When you enter the agreement quantity and agreement amount for a blanket purchase agreement line and use the Prevent Purchase Order Releases When Amounts or Quantities Exceed the Limits on the Referenced Blanket Agreement Line feature, the application prevents the purchase order release if that will cause the total amount or quantity released against the agreement line to exceed its line-level limit.
Approval Management Service is a robust engine that enables administrators to organize and author approval routing rules based on numerous seeded document attributes such as ordered amount, price, category, and contract terms exist. Based on your unique business requirements, administrators can choose to send the approval request to approvers in parallel or in a sequence.
To minimize document creation time and reduce errors a comprehensive defaulting mechanism is used to provide most required purchasing order distribution information. Default, in this context, means that the application provides this information for you when you create a new distribution.
Use the purchasing document report to communicate to the supplier the details of a purchase order or purchase agreement. The report provides information about goods or services that you require, costs, quantities, payment terms, and delivery schedules. Run the purchasing document report using the Communicate Purchasing Documents task, in the Purchase Agreements and Purchase Orders work areas.